
I haven’t been here in far too long. I’ve been knitting up a storm and the holidays gifted and robbed me of free time – just as they do for most of us. I have a renewed calm about myself this morning though. I’m actually at work, but I own a toy store so not a soul has entered the door in the last 25 minutes (that I’ve been open) and I’m loving it. I know what my day has in store for me and the list is pretty long. I need to catch up on things that have fallen to the wayside, I need to close out the year on our businesses (we are both self-employed) and I need to clear this giant pile from my desk. I find that a clean space makes me much more focused. Things cluttering my mind prevent me from crafting.

Lately, I walk into our art room and find myself wanting to turn right around and walk back out. I need to just diffuse some oils in there and spend an entire day cleaning out nooks and crannies. Right now the counter top is camouflaged with fabric scraps and the floor is littered with tiny Legos. I was feeling motivated a few weeks ago and started frantically ironing the pillar of quilt pieces for the scrap quilt I’d love to get started on, but I literally only had about 45 minutes to work. I need a full day or two or three!

I got this awesome book for Christmas from my in-laws and I’m chomping at the bit to complete at least one project in there before February approaches. This book will be an inspiration for me to clear some of my cute cute fabric from the shelves it is stacked upon currently. No need to sit there and look cute – let’s stitch you together into something fantastic!

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Sloane Julia Hickey (my brand spankin’ new niece) is going to be a sure fire inspiration for me. She was born on the 3rd after much waiting – such is the way with birth and new life.


We hosted a baby shower for her sweet Mama back in November and had the guests bring fabric scraps. My plan was to stitch together something fantastic that day but after eating, chatting and gift opening the day got away from us. So there sits that tower of fabric, un-ironed. I will start scrapping it together this week. I will post photos of my progress.

And the real inspiration for this post today was a new discovery. Selvedge Studios, my favorite local fabric store has a blog and as I was poking around on it this morning I saw a new blog on their blogroll that I hadn’t seen before and the creations were so beautiful I wanted to share. You Go Girl! I don’t personally know this crafting genius, I’m assuming she’s a Missoulian, but the few photos I viewed were so inspiring to me. This image/post in particular I fell in love with. I’m so inspired to stitch that fabric together on my craft counter, that I might just stay up late tonight fulfilling a desire.

PS someone walked in at 26 minutes after the hour.