Achey Shoulder Yipes!

So this morning I woke up after sleeping “wrong” – whatever that means – that has always sounded so strange to me – how does one sleep wrong? I guess I did. So – underneath my right shoulder blade I’ve got some pain that shoots up into my neck. So I figured it would be the perfect opportunity for me to talk about how amazing the Deep Relief Roller is! I mean there are a lot of things I might use for this situation – Some other suggestions: Valor first, PanAway, any Fir – Balsam Fir is one of my favs (smells delicious), but the Deep Relief Roller takes the cake for me. I’ll probably be applying it all day – the perks – I’ll smell great and my shoulder blade will feel better. Nice and tingly.

You can get this roller in a three pack of amazingness right now – comes with Breathe Again and Stress Away (a trio of goodies for this time of year).  Ahhh. It’s on my order! $57.95 wholesale.

As always let me know if you need the hookups! Happy Thursday!

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