Art Camp Take I

Pen in the eye Remember These Pen in the Eye



We decided this summer that we would have an Art Camp. Last summer we rocked a ‘bug camp’ it was supposed to be a few days and ended up being 2+ weeks once the boys got a taste for it. We like to make up our very own camps instead of paying for camps through the summer. I realize that isn’t an option for many people but since we have the flexibility it is the best/favorite option for us. I love it, I think we all love it! This morning we woke up knowing it was the first day of art camp and the boys got a special surprise…remember these pens from back in the day? The pens that have every color ink all in one place. This was the scene at the kitchen counter. So you’ll have to stick with us through the week (the next few posts) to see the art camp activities we had going on!

Here is our first endeavor, or the set up for it. Mr. Gus waiting patiently under a rainbow of tempera paints.

Gus Ready for Craftin'

This idea comes from this book – which is awesome!

[phpzon asin=”087659206X” country=”US” trackingid=”mamalovescrafting-20″ templatename=”asin-tabs”]

We’ve done several projects out of here (maybe with slight variations) but it is full of fun ideas. We decided to fill socks up with sand from our sandbox and plop them in trays (we used empty terra cotta potted plant bottoms as paint holders) and tied pretty tight knots on those socks.

Tempera Paint Brush too Simon Plop

We found that the paint alone was a bit too thick so we ended up adding a bit of water to mixture. We just messed around with it until we had the perfect consistency. Some plops are much darker than others.

It sprays so consider yourself warned. Wear clothes that you don’t care about ruining.

Color swap.

Team Work

These guys had some serious focus on this project.

Sock Drop Serious Business

Beautiful Progress

Little Brushing Gorgeous Splashes

 Suggs Purple

Team Sock drop

More colors Messy


It was fun when we got the next set of colors rolling. We were rinsing out the sock from time to time so that we didn’t just have a whole mess of brown splooshes on our paper. Oh and the paper we were using was just simple butcher block weight paper (nothing heavy duty).

 Pretty Pretty Drying Out to Dry

We laid our masterpieces out to dry while we played on the swings and picked our next messy project. Stay tuned!