Cleansing Day 1

Apple Blossom

Spring is in full swing in our backyard. Look at our beautiful apple blossoms! Time to do some internal spring cleaning!

Just started the 5 day nutritive cleanse this morning. (Please note that the price will vary for distributors). Took our shot glasses full of Ningxia Red, drank our creamy shake (that tastes like vanilla frosting) and swallowed down the little Digest and Cleanse capsule. Lots of water today! We’re attempting to do this without snacks – we’ll see how it goes. I do have to say that shake is very filling. I also know for a fact that by day 5 – I won’t be into that shake anymore! Oh well we’ll see how it all pans out. I’ll keep everyone posted. When I say “we” I mean my husband and I – it’ll be much better to do it together!
I’m expecting some cleansing to start happening today. A friend just finished the cleanse and she told me her poop resembled toothpaste (sorry to be so graphic).

I’m ready to clean out my body – if I’m into this cleanse it will be something I start doing seasonally. I’ll be using my oils all day today as well! Peppermint is high on my list of things to enjoy today.

One of the things that can happen when you are detoxing is a headache – luckily I have my oils to help with that.

Happy Spring Cleaning!