Cough, Cold and Lung Oils

My good friend, also a Young Living Distributor, wanted to share her most recent experience with us – a cold – a cough – two kiddos and some good stuff:

“I have been plagued with lung issues my whole life. When I was 2 I was hospitalized for 2 weeks with a severe case of pneumonia. Since then, I have struggled with asthma and other bronchial related issues. I started using oils when I was 15 and was able to completely come off of a rescue inhaler with the use of RC. I also stopped drinking cow’s milk. But then I lost my oil connection and when I started college again after the birth of my first daughter I began to have lung issues again.(stress and being around lots of people). Almost every semester I would get a cold and it would turn into Walking Pneumonia. An awful, super icky, nasty, sickness. Well that has changed… I found my oil connection again WHOOP WHOOP! So here’s the scoop… I can usually tell if I am going to get the nasty….So I start with RC and Balsam Fir all over my chest and neck pulse points ( as many times as I can at least 5 throughout the day), I also diffuse it as many times as my diffuser will allow! Then I take oregano and thieves internally (once a day). I also use peppermint and Sacred Mountain all through the day. I drink a ton of Lemon water as well. I still have the cold part, but no fever and the feeling of a million bricks on my chest! Oils are truly a blessing in my life, and never again will I lose my connection!”

Thanks for sharing Sarah!