Fabric Crayons (in the Rain)

Slime Time Goober

This weather always reminds me of our rainy day beanbags. Today we needed a quick project to entertain us for about an hour, while it poured outside. We were already on a coloring kick so I thought I’d throw in the Fabric Crayons to switch things up a bit.

Fabric Crayons

Simon will contently color the day away.  Today he was mighty focused.

Simon Colors

Coloring for Grandma was the drive.

Rainbow Drawing

Finishing Touches

This is the first time we’ve used our fabric crayons and in hind sight I would use them on cotton fabric rather than the canvas bag we chose this morning. The bag just didn’t work quite as magnificently as I’d hoped it would.

Here are the instructions for those interested parties.

Fabric Crayon Directions

Apparently we forgot about the ‘design being reversed when transferred’. Don’t worry though clouds can cover that right on up.

Reversed Design

I think the key is to give that crayon some gusto. You want to make sure that design is nice and dark on the paper before you iron/transfer it onto the fabric you are using.

Now for the iron – that was probably the biggest treat of all. After the crayon drawings were complete each of the boys took a turn with the iron (first time ever). They each got to transfer their own drawings onto the canvas bag. You have to be fairly patient while attempting this step. I ended up running over the paper a few more times after the boys had their go at it. You definitely need to apply some pressure during this phase and I put a piece of muslin over the top of the drawing to keep the wax off of my iron and avoid the possibility of burning paper.

Simon Irons Brotherly Love Gus Reveals

Little One Irons


The Reveal

You can see how exciting the reveal was above.

Since this was our first time doing this project the end result wasn’t quite as fantastic as I thought it might be, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t trying this again. In fact I think we’ll be more inclined to do this as a gift for the next special celebration we have approaching. It is a simple, quick, mess free, safe (with the exception of the iron) crafty project and I’m pretty sure I would love to be on the receiving end of a gift like this.

Simon's Drawing

I think the next time I’ll use a more gentle fabric and make a pillow with it, we’ll get some practice under our belts before we attempt another canvas bag.

Ooh and avoid words, unless you are exceptionally skilled at writing backwards. One more snip – I am assuming there may be some inquiry as to whether or not the paper we used was special in any way/shape/form and it was just regular notebook paper. For the kid that loves to color this project is a cinch.

If you want your own fabric crayons you can find them below.

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