First Aid Kit

first aid kit

So our first aid kit at home and on the go consists of many essential oils. It is hard for me to say which are the most important oils to have around, because it is impossible to say what problems could potentially arise. I decided I’d stick to just 8 oils – it feels like a nice round number and eight 5ml-15ml bottles shouldn’t weigh your diaper bag or purse down too much.
So for starters I’d say that Lavender is a must! It is great for burns, sunburns, bee stings, cuts, scrapes, bruising and it is an antiseptic. It can help with sleep, discomfort, headaches, eczema, rashes (even of the diaper variety), insect bites, anxiety, tension, earaches (in combo with chamomile and tea tree or melrose) and the list goes on and on! You can check here for more Lavender info.

The next on the list is probably going to be Roman Chamomile for me. This is an oil that I didn’t use that often because I wasn’t sure until really recently when/how to use it. Turns out it can be used for almost everything just like Lavender. It is great for pain relief, fevers, teething pain, muscle spasms, insomnia, constipation, rashes, eczema and earaches. You’ll notice there will be some overlap between the oils they may be good for the same things – that’s the coolest part about using therapeutic grade essential oils for healing. This oil is also great for calming and soothing anytime. I use it often at bedtime and always when someone isn’t feeling well. The smell might take a little bit of getting used to but after I knew how incredible the effects were the smell is one I’ve grown to love.

R.C. is an oil that we are never ever without. We use it a lot more frequently in the winter than the summer months, but still like to have it on hand always. It is great for colds, coughs, chest congestion, mucous, stuffy noses, breathing complications, and all things cold related. It is great for cold sores, asthma, pneumonia, croup, flu, and since it is a blend you get the benefits of each of the oils that are within this amazing oil. Eucalyptus, Myrtle, Pine, Marjoram, Lavender, Cypress, Tsuga, and Peppermint. I also think that Ravensara is a great oil to have on hand if you aren’t using R.C. or even to use in combination with it (I snuck one more in, whoops). You can check here for more info on R.C.

Geranium is another must have! I love this oil it is amazing for kiddos and adults alike (as are all of the oils I’m listing today). It is a good oil to use for candida, it is good for throat infections/laryngitis, it is an uplifting oil so good for depression. It too is an antiseptic. I diffuse this oil a lot! It is an astringent, a diuretic, and insect repellent. It can help with relaxation and calming. It can be used for acne, digestion, insomnia, menstrual problems, on and on and on! Geranium will be the monthly oil for April, so there will be much more info about it right here in the next few days.

Dill is another really amazing oil! It is great for newborns with colic. It is also a great oil to use for asthma and coughs. It is an expectorant and anti-bacterial. It can be used for digestive issues for any age! It can help with constipation, headaches, and liver deficiencies. It is a wonderful oil for nursing Mamas. It can help promote milk flow!

Peppermint is a wonderful oil for older children and for younger children it might be best to substitute Roman Chamomile. This is a great oil for digestion as well, and I use it when my kids get fevers that I want to break or pull out of their systems (apply to feet). It is an anti-inflammatory so great for swelling. It is good for headaches, asthma, stuffy noses, and really amazing for nausea (can work well for morning sickness too). I keep it around for hot days also, I put it on my kiddos to cool them down if they get too hot (myself too!) The list goes on and you can check here for more info.

Helichrysum is another amazing oil that can be used safely with children. I used it tonight for some growing pains (which can also just be overworked muscles – this is after I watch Simon ride his scooter up and down the street for about an hour at full speed). Pain relief is primarily what I use this oil for (it is an analgesic), but it can also be used for bronchitis, coughs, bruising, arthritis, circulation problems, and about a million other things.

We’ll end with Lemon is an amazing oil for kids and adults alike! My kids drink Lemon oil nearly every day of their lives. This oil is probably the most uplifting oil we use almost daily. Simon and August ask for Lemon oil and nearly every one of the citrus variety before any other oil. Lemon oil is great for your skin (but be mindful of the sunshine if you use it – it will make your skin more photo sensitive). Lemon is an antiseptic and anti-bacterial, great for insect bites, and we just heard that it can help to stop internal bleeding. It is great for viruses (keeping them away and killing them). It is good for nose bleeds (so is Lavender). To read a bit more about Lemon go here.

first aid kit with extras

I wanted to keep it brief so here I shall stop! I have gathered my info from several different sources and of course quite a bit of personal experience as well as experiences from friends/fellow oil users. I’d love to hear about your successes and oils that you have in your first aid kit, so please leave comments if you’d like to.

One last oil that I’m going to sneak in is Purification! I can’t just do 8, so you’ll have to decide what is the most important to you. We don’t even use hydrogen peroxide at our house, Purification is where it is at! It doesn’t sting and it works amazingly! For more info on Purification visit this link.

Happy Healing!