Growing Pains
Simon (5 years old) occasionally gets growing pains. They are mainly in his legs and they tend to be at bedtime or even in the middle of the night. I just wanted to share the quick little remedy I’ve come up with that seems to help him. We have a health food store where we can purchase homeopathic remedies and there is a Kids First Aid Kit that I got made by Boiron. It has a few different remedies in it, but one that is used for Growing Pains, Calcarea phosphorica 6C.
I always use a combination of some V-6 and PanAway right on his legs and either put long pajama pants on him or make sure I snuggle him up really well in his blankets. He always calms down immediately when I put the oils on him and I think the combo seems to really do the trick.
I also like to put a couple of drops of Peace and Calming on him too, just to help calm him down and he is always able to go back to sleep – at least so far. I’ll keep you posted if things change. Peace & Calming always seems to help the boys to sleep if they are having troubles. We just got back from a weekend away and they struggled a bit with falling asleep, until I massaged some Peace & Calming onto their backs. Ahh… Nighty Night.
Oh and one more thing I’ll touch on is the pairing of aromatherapy and homeopathy. There are different beliefs about this combo. I have always have great results pairing them, but some believe they don’t pair well together. My suggestion is just to try it for yourself. Here is a good link that talks briefly about this subject. If you are concerned about pairing the two maybe just don’t use them at the same time – take your remedy and maybe use your oils a couple of hours later, or even a few days later.
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