Halloween Lunch

I had every intention of getting this posted yesterday. Next year I’ll be better about posting lunches on time, maybe.

We’ve been making homemade bread for a few weeks now and we are really loving it, the entire process is pretty magical. It is always so mystifying to me that bread comes from the most simple ingredients.

Here they are, in all of their glory! Oh and one more bit about the bread – we aren’t using our bread machine anymore, it can’t bake bread like we can if we do it on our own. The book we fell in love with is this one.

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Beware, you’re about to be scared out of your gourd.

Did you have tiny bats in your yogurt today?

Or a spaghetti monster?

Spooky right? Plums from our dear friend Shellie, apples from our very own backyard tree, orange yogurt with bats (and this lunch had pumpkins too), a clementine with a jack-o-lantern face (fashioned from a fruit leather), freshly roasted pumpkin seeds, spaghetti monster with corn teeth (from Benson’s farm), a spider peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a ghostly blob pb&j (both with chocolate drop eyes), and a lot of spooky love made the lunches for this spooky day.

We hope you had a delightful Halloween, we sure did.