Last Day of Preschool!

My wee-est boy is at his very last full day of preschool. Didn’t realize this would make me feel a little bit weepy this morning.

Made Your Lunch Gus's Last Preschool Day

Didn’t help that he looked THIS adorable this morning. I came downstairs to find him rockin’ out on his iPod, rockin’ some arm warmers, and leg warmers (one fire and one ice) and seriously just all around great and so grown up. I made him this for lunch…

PB&J Bites, Fresh Raspberries & More

It was so cold last night that I decided I needed to make some delicious warm  chocolate chip cookies, my poor boys had to wait until today to enjoy one since I decided I needed them at 8pm. The chocolate chip cookie is the best part of this lunch (of course), goldfish to fill in the gap, peanut butter and jelly bites, pretzel squares, homemade applesauce, fresh raspberries and some Vitamins C & D complete the last lunch in the preschool classroom for Cheecho.

I hope you love your last (long) day of preschool my sweet love.

Tunes Made Your Lunch

Also our last morning at our favorite coffee shop enjoying a celebratory breakfast brownie. Some mornings after we drop big brother off at school we head to Rattlesnake Gardens for a scone to kill a 1/2 hour before Gus starts school. Preschool ending – ends that ritual for us. Love you bugger.