Mamalode Publication
I keep meaning to share this here. I have a friend, and she started an amazing publication (both in print and online) and I had a tiny story to share. I shared my story, and you can too. It is Mamalode, it is for you, it is for parents, it is for grandparents, it is for photographers, it is for writers, it is for anyone with a story to share. It is a place full of inspiration, full of love, full of people that might do the same things you do, people that need support, people to offer support and it probably has a bit of whatever it might be you are looking for.
I felt honored to be featured. You can too.
Here is my story (or you can visit Mamalode’s site to see it with pretty pictures):
I have fond memories of my sack lunches from my childhood. I especially loved the days when I had a special note in the paper bag. Now, for my own kids, I strive to make the lunch itself the note. When my son Simon first went to pre-school seven years ago, I decided to challenge myself to pack a dreamy and healthy lunch for him everyday.
Part of my motivation was that I also wanted to photograph each one and share them virtually to inspire others. The images weren’t always great, but each lunch challenged me to make a better one the next day.
I’ve spent some time in Japan and fell in love with the Japanese way of doing things, including the use of Bento boxes. I also tend to gravitate toward adorable and colorful things. It’s all the better when you can eat those adorable colorful things!
So, I decided to take it up a notch. Why not make food fun? Why not make packing a lunchbox fun? These days, I cram so much love into my lunches that I hope my kids can feel it while nourishing themselves.
My lunchbox of choice has changed over the years but I like PlanetBox the most. But, if it’s a soup day, then I’ll use Lunchbots Thermos’. I also love the multiple compartments of a Bento which makes the challenge so much more inviting.
Special tools that I use include: egg molds, cookie cutters, sandwich cutters, a rice cooker, vegetable cutters and nori punches.
I frequently get asked if my kids actually eat what I pack them. My oldest eats his whole lunch every day. My youngest eats most of it. He often polishes it off after he gets home from school. When we talk about what we’re thankful for, both of my boys say they are thankful for their lunches. This may not always be the case, but for now, I will take the small victories and fill tiny bellies with healthy goodness when I can!
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