My Word

I’m terrible at updates. But, I’m keeping my word. If you follow on Instagram you’re seeing a lot more than most folks. I love that easy app. I sometimes remember to post to our Facebook page as well, but that isn’t a guarantee. The lack of posting to this sweet blog isn’t because I’ve stopped making lunches. In fact, I was the recipient of all kinds of exciting new tools (Thank you Santa Claus), so I’ve been putting them to use whenever I possibly can.

Soy Sauce Fish

I am pretty in love with these new sauce holders. I happened to fill them with soy sauce on this particular ‘back to school’ eve, after our long holiday break. I can’t think of which other sauces might be useful in these little buggers. I’m open to suggestions? Maybe some of you have them and fill them with goodness.

Rice FacesThey work! My kid polished off their rice. I bet the cute new nori punches and rice molds helped with that as well. We have 9 different face punches to choose from in the morning, now.

As you can see, I’m still really into the bagel faces. Sometimes, nothing beats a bagel face.

This time of year it is hard to break free from many of the same fresh fruits, we live in Montana, so we don’t have access to as much as we wish we did. We eat apples…everyday. We eat kiwis…almost everyday. We love those itty bitty oranges. We canned a plethora of applesauce in the fall, so we have that to fall back on, thankfully. You’ll see a lot of those things in our winter lunches.

Lion Pick

We also have a collection of cute little picks to add some finishing touches. This made Homemade Chicken Pot Pie so much more delish. I warn Simon each morning I put them in his lunch box. It wouldn’t surprise me if he accidentally threw one down the hatch.

It wouldn’t be humanly possible for me to catch up on every single lunch I’ve got a photo of…so it is probably high time for another collage. Coming soon!

Here is one of my favorite faces from last week.

Clown Bagel Face

Daia cheese hair, peanut butter skin, frozen strawberry nose, Cheerio mouth, hard-boiled egg eyes, edamame pupils on a plain bagel. Mmm.