Oils for Pregnancy
The pregnant Mama can probably really benefit from using some essential oils during her pregnancy. So there are several oils I will talk about – as I mentioned the other day – you’ll want to be very careful with oils during pregnancy and there are some that you should steer clear of.
Here is a list of oils that you should AVOID during pregnancy: Basil, Calamus, Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Lavandin, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, Di-Gize, Dragon Time, Exodus II, Grounding and Mister. I would consider this list a good stand-by but other oils should be used with much caution, and again, this isn’t medical advice! I’m not a doctor (or even close!). There are many other oils that you should use with caution and since I look at the use of essential oils as a way to empower yourself to take some of your personal care into your own hands, I suggest you just do as much research as you can on the subject if you plan to use oils during your pregnancy, birth and with your babies and kiddos.
Now I’m going to contradict myself because I’ve heard of a lot of people using Di-Gize for morning sickness as well as Ginger and they’ve had a lot of success with it. I think the fact that these Young Living Oils are Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils is what you need to be careful of – they are very potent and powerful so with some dilution I think you can be a little bit more liberal. If morning sickness is an issue for you Peppermint may also be a great oil. This oil comes with the Everyday Oils Starter Kit and it is great for soooo many things.
I’ll just list Essential Oils that are generally thought to be safe for the pregnant Mama: Lavender, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Rose, Frankincense, Marjoram, Cedarwood, Jasmine, Melaleuca alternafolia, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Thyme, Ylang Ylang, and Ginger.
Pregnant Mamas can use essential oils throughout their pregnancies. Diffusing and applying them topically is completely safe. I’ve heard recommendations that during the third trimester it is best to put them on the bottoms of your feet rather than right on your abdomen just in case an oil causes your baby to turn from vertex. If your baby is breech it could aid in turning your baby however. Dilution is great with V-6 or any edible oil.
Lavender can help you sleep more soundly, as this can be very challenging during pregnancy. Peppermint is great for constipation, nausea, headaches, etc. Lemon is good for virus fighting and immune system support. Frankincense is great for colds, flu, bacteria, viruses, etc.
Since it is important to be careful what you use it might be beneficial to look to essential oils as bug repellent options during pregnancy as well as substitute for other necessities when western medicines and/or over the counter products may be dangerous.
I could go on and on an on on this subject but I wanted to make it known that there are alternatives that are definitely worth researching, when I got pregnant for the first time I was quite the research junkie. I think that comes with the territory so I’ll just encourage all of your expectant parents to do the same thing and think about essential oils while searching.
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