Pineapple, Peanut Butter and Jelly Triangles and More

Dino Attack

Beware of the tiny Dino Vitamin, he might eat your lunch. Muwah ha ha ha.

Pineapple, Peanut Butter and Jelly Triangles and More

So today looks pretty delicious. We’ll be thoroughly enjoying a peanut butter and jelly on Wheat Montana Bread (triangle style), a handful of California Raisins, a hard boiled hen egg (homegrown of course), a dollop of organic applesauce, some cheddar cheese curds (if you don’t know what a cheese curd is – you’d better find out), some organic diced pineapples, and some mini vanilla wafers (they make them mini style these days). To wash all of this goodness down we’ll have some water. Mmm. Enjoy (with your eyes)!