St. Patty’s Day Lunch
Before lunch…we have to eat breakfast…why not something green on St. Patty’s Day Morn. So we had scrambled egg sandwiches and somehow the eggs turned green this magical morning.
I’m not gonna lie, I heart my crockpot! It is one of my favorite appliances…so this morning we made breakfast, lunch and dinner, which isn’t very uncommon around our house. Crockpot Corned Beef getting started, and the GREEN lunches.
There is my little buddy mowing down his green eggs, in his entirely green get-up for the day. He even had on green socks and underwear, no pinches coming his way.
Green applesauce, pesto pasta, green edamame, green goldfish crackers, pirate booty with green sprinkles (we were out of the veggie variety which is MUCH more green), and of course our vitamin pile. I realize food coloring isn’t the best tool…but the leprechaun thought it would be okay for just one day.
Happy St. Patty’s Day!
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