Sushi Rolls, Daisy Cookie and More

Sushi Rolls, Daisy Cookie and More

I will confess I didn’t roll this sushi myself, I do know how, but this wasn’t my work. Our local Good Food Store was the responsible party. They are filled with baked tofu, carrots and avocado and they are delicious. I would like to dip them in some soy sauce but that isn’t how my 2nd grader rolls. There are some stray edamame to green up the picture a bit, not to mention they are favorites around here. Organic grapes of all sorts are invited to our house – today some green and purple grapes graced the palate. That beautiful little shortbread daisy cookie was something I found in the cookie section at the Good Food Store, they are lemon flavored and smelled delicious this morning, although I must admit I didn’t eat one. Simon’s was gone when he got home though. The rolls up top are pieces of Applegate Honey Ham rolled around some red and yellow bell peppers. And, we mustn’t forget Simon’s all time favorite – Pesto Pasta…and for second dessert (a bit unlike me) some Pocky – it was the Japanese factor that convinced me two desserts were necessary today.

And there we have it, the second day of school lunch might be my all time favorite – healthy colorful cold lunch!