Back To School Oils
It is that time of year again! Here are some oils that we are equipped with for Back to School and of course cold/flu season. In fact I never run out of these oils – they seem to be life savers around our house. It seems to be inevitable that a cold or some sort of illness will present itself in the first month, but in order to be prepared for that illness or possibly avoid it completely we have a short list of oils and vitamins that we use at our house.
Simon is in First Grade, I cannot believe it and Gus is in Preschool! So we have two babies that aren’t really babies anymore. The oils I’ll list I use with both of my kids as well as my husband and myself.
One other thing that I’m never without is Emergen-C. I feel like this product is such a lifesaver, that I almost always use it in combination with my oils. Echinacea is also at the very tippy top of my list. Now for the oils….
Thieves – (of course) it is amazing for fighting viruses and infections. It is a great preventative tool as well as an oil that we use after we come down with something, to shorten the length and lessen the symptoms of whatever we’ve contracted.
RC – respiratory care is important…nearly every time a cold is caught – a cough follows. This is great to put in a humidifier and to rub right on chests and diffuse, it is a blend of oils that work amazingly together to alleviate respiratory discomfort.
Peppermint – comes in handy for the sniffles – we diffuse it like crazy whenever anyone starts to feel stuffy. It is also our fever killer – if we don’t want a fever a bit on the bottom of the feet and it falls. I also love this oil for upset tummies and nausea.
Eucalyptus Radiata – even though there is eucalyptus in RC I find this oil very beneficial for respiratory stuff and colds and stuffy heads. I diffuse it and put it neat on chests. I also like to put this one in the humidifier pot.
Frankincense – is awesome for aches and pains and when all else fails I pretty much always use this oil. It deepens breathing and is great for respiratory problems. It is great for such a long list of things I don’t even know where to begin, but I use it often for fevers and aches during cold and flu season.
Oregano – is another must have, it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and a great oil to use in place of Thieves on your Thieves ‘days off’. I use this oil on bottoms of feet and diffuse it – not because I love the smell but I love the benefits!
Melrose – I use for infections – especially ear infections. Great to rub on your neck below the troublesome ear.
Roman Chamomile – is another must have for aches and pains and this oil is very kid friendly! It is soothing and comforting and works wonders!
We of course are always using all of our other oils that come in the Everyday Oils kit, we drink Lemon all of the time, we use Lavender always and Purification for boo boos. I think the oils listed above are must haves for our family and they really help to keep us healthy!
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