Clean Green in 2017

Resistance Monsters

It is difficult to think about anything other than our country’s dirty administration these days. I’m finding it challenging to choose a focused path of resistance with the abundance of paths needing resistance. With the help of my youngest son we created the rainbow resistance (they are fed up) and they know it is important to keep sharing as much love as we can muster. So, keep marching for what you believe in, let’s do our part to clean our country up. Keep sharing articles, signing petitions, making phone calls, and fighting for the equality and rights of all humankind. The rainbow resistance has your back.

Let’s clean! I’ve started concocting just a few safe products to make our world a little less stinky. Plus, staying away from big corporations is purt darn near the tippy top of my list these days. I’m sharing some of my recipes with you. It isn’t difficult to make your own cleaning supplies, in fact, I bet you already have them. With a little concocting you can clean your toilet, make a soft scrub, get the mold out of your shower and disinfect your countertops. You don’t need much more than vinegar, baking soda, essential oils and a few minutes.

Choosing safe alternatives to harsh cleaners will help keep your family, pets, and our earth safe. And, I’ve found that the safe alternatives actually work better than the over the counter hazardous options. I know, I know, I doubted it too. I proved it.

I wanted to eliminate disposable wipes of all varieties from our shopping list and landfills. I made my own washable wipes.

Homemade Countertop Wipes Clean Green

Gather the following items to make your wipes:

Combine the liquids in a jar – shake them up a bit to mix. Cram in your fabric scraps. Flip the jar upside down to soak up the cleaning juices. Use until your jar is empty, wash fabric scraps and repeat the process. I have a jar in my kitchen and in the bathroom. I use them to clean counters, floors, toilets, tubs, etc. No waste.

Onto mold – the pesky mother.

Shower Mold Clean Green

I hate to admit it, but I have tried a handful of over the counter cleaners that you spray, leave on the surface, and they are supposed to magically make your mold disappear. And, if you inhale a bit too deeply, while using said product, you have burning lungs for hours. They don’t work. What works is so simple, safe and I put it to the test.  I also hate to admit, this is a picture of the mold in my shower.

Gather the following items to eliminate your mold:

  • a spritzer bottle or spray bottle
  • 10 drops of oregano essential oil
  • 15 drops of tea tree essential oil (melaleuca)
  • white vinegar

Combine essential oils and fill bottle to the top with white vinegar. Spray your mold potion on the moldy mess and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, scrub it clean, and rinse with water. Repeat if you still have some moldy bits holding on for dear life.

The final recipe I’ll share today is a pretty delightful soft scrub I made and kind of want to marry. I’ve had a bit of the leftover in a glass baby food jar for about a month, so you don’t need to use it all at once.

soft scrub photo clean green

Gather the following items to create your soft scrub and make your kitchen sink shine:

If the consistency seems a bit off, add more of what you think is missing. I also added some thyme essential oil to mine, I’ve been diggin’ on that oil lately.

Oh and the toilet, how on earth did I forget about the toilet. Flush your toilet and shake a 1/4 cup of baking soda all up in there. Put 5 drops of tea tree essential oil in the baking soda/water. Let sit for 10 minutes. Scrub. Add a splash of white vinegar, watch fizz, and give the bowl another quick scrub.

Please share your recipes in the comments if you have other favorites, I love new suggestions.

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