Continuing Toward Wellness!

Well we still aren’t 100% over here.  I can hear out of my ear again though, ahhh! Shane and I both have wicked coughs…so we again…I confess haven’t been very diligent with the oils. I don’t know why it is that when a Mama is sick she doesn’t focus on getting herself well, it makes life a lot easier when Mama is healthy, so with a sick Mama and Papa we’re in trouble. At least our sick isn’t the kind where you must lie in bed.

Tonight I have the diffusers going in the boys’ bedrooms filled with Clove and Pine and Thieves on their feet, in an attempt to keep them well, since they both are right now. Although I did want to mention that Gussy had a little bit of a sour stomach a week ago or so. He woke up screaming in the middle of the night and was having horrible gas pains (I think) so I ran for the Di-Gize and Lavender and Peppermint and with that combo (and some Peace & Calming on his bitty feet) he was all fixed up. I put Di-Gize right on his belly a few times over the course of about an hour and he didn’t wake up again until morning and he was hungry when he woke up, so I know it wasn’t a bug…I’m pretty sure it was just gas. Poor little guy. It never ceases to amaze me how well Di-Gize works!

So back to my healing attempts with our colds, I can hear Shane hacking up a lung as I’m typing. So we’ve been drinking tons and tons of clear liquids and taking all kinds of supplements now. Lots of Vitamin D-3, Fish Oil and this Sinus and Respiratory capsule made by New Chapter…it has a lot of different essential oils in it. Oil of Melissa and Oregano are two that I can think of off the top of my head. It was recommended by a friend and so far I believe it is working well as I’m pretty sure my sinus infection action was headed back. As for oils…we’re using lots of Eucalyptus Radiata still, R.C. of course and then I’ve added Grapefruit into the mix. I just recently learned from another good friend that massaging Grapefruit oil on your lymph nodes can increase your white blood cell count – give you a bit of an immune boost, so we’re using that right now too. We’re also using some Thieves and taking Inner Defense capsules and applying tons and tons of Oregano. I had an oil party on Wednesday at Sarah’s house so I got some good doses of all of my oils again, it is nice to sit down and just put a whole bunch on, in fact that’s my plan before bed. At parties we tend to just go through the Start Living with Everyday Oils kit which includes the following oils : Frankincense (which I’m completely out of right now and missing like crazy), Valor, Purification, Peace & Calming, Thieves, Lemon, Peppermint, Lavender and PanAway. So it was probably helpful to do some detoxing by layering all of those oils at the party. I just need some good sleep and I’m thinking only a few more days to get rid of this crud.

And I just realized my entry is getting insanely long so I’ll log off for now. I’ll post something else new this week and watch for the Monthly entry as well, if you aren’t on my email list. Happy Halloween!

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