Fall and Knitting Links
Just canning and knitting happening around our house the past few days. And, that about sums up my start to fall. Two of my favorite pass-times all snuggled up in my house, with two kids it is no easy feat to pickle and can. The funny thing is, it is 80 degrees outside by the time afternoon rolls around. Oh well, it is still time to start preparing for winter, I feel it.
I’m a pretty big fan of rainbows, I saw this today and it looked fun enough to share. I’m slowly collecting needles right now to fill my circular needle holder, that I love oh so much, but I debated taking this route. I just didn’t know if there would be some sizes I’d never use, turns out I need to go get some size 2 circular needles and some size 3 circular needles for another pattern I’m going to attempt in the next month (those are definitely sizes I never thought I’d need). But, before I start something new I’ve got a billion hats I need to crank out for birthdays (September and October are crazy birthday months for this Mama).
And, my good friend Julie shared this link with me this morning. Oh regretsy, so hilarious. Seriously who doesn’t want M. Night Shyamalan creepy knit attire, er M. Knit Shyamalan rather. Christmas Presents!
Happy Cozy Knitting Weekend!
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