Fresh Holiday

It’s a fresh new year. There is wholesomeness in a fresh start.

photo credit to dad – Matt Hamon

Transitions to the new, can be tricky and trying, binding together is important. Our holiday season was full of love, goodness, community and of course a wee bit of stress.

I love quietly noticing, as my kids grow older, that they are forming their very own community, a bit of distance from us, but bound.

We got a new Balloon – our therapy dog. He moved in on black ‘lab’ Friday. You probably remember Kirby, and how heart-broken we were when she had to move out. Balloon is filling gaps and healing the humans. I didn’t really realize that a dog could be the kind of companion that would decrease your stress level. We hit the jackpot when we decided to adopt this go-around.

There is unlimited promise in 2017, kindle it in your community & state, find it (or create it) in your country, and seek it out in our world.  I know it is difficult to find hope sometimes, it seems more important than ever that we do. People need people. There are going to be people left without, and with our incoming administration that could be a more frequent occurrence. We need to look out for one another. In lieu of holiday gifts, for those who didn’t really need much, we found people who do, and contributed on their behalves.

I sat around, with my favorite community, on New Year’s Eve and we discussed people doing good, making a difference, making change. I want to hear about your random acts of kindness. I want to hear about when you gave a homeless person a one hundred dollar bill just because you had one. I want to hear about you putting a Menorah in your windowsill, because you stand in solidarity with your local synagogue that is feeling threatened by an increase of antisemitism in your city. I want to hear about the person that you shared a sandwich with that needed ‘anything you had to offer’. I want to hear about your kindnesses, because they inspire others. They inspire me.

In 2017 I have plans, not resolutions. I will keep helping Mamas have babies. I will give whenever I’m able. I will collaborate with strong women. I will make my voice heard. I will take (and share) a couple of European holidays. I will turn 40. I will keep showing my boys how to be strong and compassionate humans. I will volunteer in my community. I will strengthen my country.

Super Cat Hat

In knitting news: I’ve been making these (4 this weekend) for my friends that will be attending the march in D.C.. I used super chunky yarn from my pal and her flock. And, this pattern, knits up in no time.

In sewing news: I cannot wait to show you a collaborative piece, that I was honored to participate in with 25 women, inspired by Betsy Ross, hope for our country, and a whole lot of creative souls. I’ll be able to reveal it soon, as inauguration day is rapidly approaching, and the seamstress assembling it is taking it to the march in D.C..

In maker news: I will release a ‘fresh’ new line of safe health/beauty products. Here is a sneak (label) peek, designed by Gus Hickey. Salves, lip balm, deodorant & more are coming to freshen your 2017. I will have a tiny shop right here, on coming up rainbows.

Pit Stick

Tell me, please tell me, about your ‘fresh holiday’ and what you plan to kindly and gently do this year.