Geranium for Springy April
First off I want to thank all of you for helping me reach my goal in March! I made it, and I’m excited but I couldn’t have done it without all of your support so I just want you to know you’re all appreciated!
Second, I just discovered within one of my Reference Guide for Essential Oils books that there is an error. The pages jump from 164 to 487 and there are some pages missing completely from the “Oil Blends” section. If you have this book maybe it would be worthwhile to check it quickly to see if it is in the correct order and/or if you are missing any pages. If you want to let me know I can just reorder a new one for you.
Now for the springtime deliciousness of Geranium Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil. This oil is one that I’ve used quite frequently in the past, but have just recently been discovering how amazing it is over the course of the past couple of months. This oil is amazing for children! You can check my blog entry that is a First Aid Kit and you’ll see Geranium mentioned in that kit. I think it is an oil that everyone ought to have. I guess I think that about almost each featured oil of the month though so you’ll have to do some picking and choosing.
I love diffusing this oil mixed with Lemongrass to kill airborne bacteria and make our house a little bit healthier.
Have chilblains? This oil will make them disappear overnight. Know what chilblains are? I didn’t…wiki is the best!
This oil is incredible when used on your skin, it makes your skin glow! It is a good oil for jaundice, your liver, tumors, your gallbladder, diarrhea, check your reference guide for about a billion other uses.
It is great for treating endometriosis, menopausal problems, diabetes, blood disorders, throat infections, and it can be used as a sedative for all of you insomniacs out there. It is a wonderful oil to use for uterine and breast cancer to help relax and cope with pain.
This oil is an astringent and antiseptic. I use it on owies all the time, I use it to clean cuts and ease pain when my kiddos get hurt.
It is an anti-depressant – the aroma is uplifting. Springy! This oil can be used as an insect repellent (nice safe insect repellent). Use a drop on your acne, burns, stomach to help with digestion. This is a great liver cleansing oil.
Use it for laryngitis.
It is great for candida or yeast infections.
Diffuse Geranium to ease tension and lift your spirits!
I think I’ll keep it fairly brief. This oil is a must have for your medicine cabinet.
As usual let me know if you need any oils and I’ll put them on my order April 7th by midnight please. And if you need info on Essential Rewards Autoship to start earning free oils please contact me and I’ll get you hooked up. Only a 50 PV minimum per month, and you can change your order each month!
Oops I nearly forgot the winner of the free Aroma Life from our March contest is … Linda Lybert! Simon picked number 8 and you were number 8. He just informed me that he won the contest too…so I’ll have to come up with a prize for him. I’ll send your oil to you on Monday.
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