Ginger – “Do you hear the ticking clock?”
Ginger, how I love thee. Your powers are many and forceful. One of my favorite bands, in all of the lands, sang this song at our wedding. This isn’t even something I was thinking about when I chose our Rainbow Plant of the Week, but once I started typing, here it was. I was actually thinking mostly about a dear friend of mine who was given this name, who is full of all kinds of her own powerful magic.
I’ll leave this here for your though, you’ll be glad.
It is a digestive aid, a body warmer, and a root that I keep in my freezer to use when I’m cooking or making Golden Milk. I sometimes cut corners and get a jar of minced ginger to use in Chicken Tikka Masala (my favorite), just to save some time. Did you know it is beneficial to eat ginger when you have meat or proteins? It will help break those proteins down and aid in digestion.
The spiritual powers this plant holds are inspirational and intended to protect. Ginger has been said to attract money, carrying a bit of the root in your herb pouch can’t hurt. Plus, you’ll smell really good. Ginger can also get your creative juices flowing and remove stagnant thoughts, it’s a mover and a shaker.
What do we use ginger for in this family?
We drink lots of ginger (zingiber officinale) tea. If we have colds or flu we make tea with honey and lemon. It is a diaphoretic, so it will help you sweat out the beast. I love these weird crystallized packets for ginger on-the-go. Of course, we all know if you have a cold/flu, and are able, staying put at home is best.
We have to be careful with Ginger at our house, it has been the culprit in many sleepless nights. If we drink tea or have the tincture we try and do it a bit earlier in the day. It seems to pep us up, even though it is found in several nighttime teas.
I like the essential oil for convenience, but the aroma differs a bit from the fresh herb. Ginger can be found in our Belly Roller, to be rolled right on your belly. I take the oil along with me to births for nausea and a bit of pep. If Mama is feeling woozy, a bit behind the ear doesn’t hurt, or usually a bit on a cotton ball first to see if the aroma resonates or needs to leave the sacred space. I recommend Ginger to mamas with morning sickness as well, but just in limited frequencies.
Herbal Actions
This mover is a carminative, diaphoretic and stimulant, warming the body and digestive system. This warming effect can be key to treating cramps, inflammation and ridding toxins. Steep some ginger for about five minutes and soak a rag in the warm tea. This rag can be applied topically on sore joints or body parts that need a circulatory boost. A salve of ginger can be used in the same way, externally.
Ginger is an adjuvant making it a good immune booster and a sialagogue (promoting the flow of saliva) beneficial, mixed with honey and lemon, for a sore throat.
She looks like this.
I haven’t actually ever met this plant in person, only the root. Hopefully someday I will make her acquaintance.
Caution: Ginger might not be your herb if you take blood thinners. And, she should be used sparingly when pregnant.
Our Belly Roller will be discounted this week in celebration of this plant. Be sure to check out some of the other plants we’ve celebrated this year, as the shop offerings won’t last long.
Ooh, one last thing, try these candies.
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