Grapefruit Oil for June


Mmmm! One of my favorites ever! I like to talk about my favorites. I guess I should also mention while I’m on the subject (of favorites!) that White Angelica is the oil that is 10% off this month and it is also one of my very favorites. White Angelica is $54.75 wholesale and it is on sale this month for $49.28 wholesale. (This is if you are currently a distributor) – if you are a retail customer the price will be $64.84. It is a very protective oil and wonderful for depression or whenever you are feeling down, just put a couple of drops on your shoulders to lift you right back up! It is also an amazing perfume. If you want to smell it let me know and I’ll get you a sample.

Now back to the Grapefruit. Grapefruit is another very uplifting oil. I’m kind of a sucker for anything citrus so this oil is at the top of my list, and another really awesome thing about citrus oils is they tend to be pretty inexpensive. Grapefruit oil is $15.00 wholesale and $19.74 retail. Young Living also makes a delicious Grapefruit Lip Balm that I really love!

Some things that Grapefruit Oil is great for: Hangovers (overindulgence if you will), cooking (chicken, fish, veggies, pasta, desserts, pastries, etc.), it is wonderful for your fingernails, for your skin, & for cellulite. Grapefruit oil is a tonic, it is a diuretic, it is great for kidney and liver problems, migraines and depression. It has been used as a tonic and aid during drug withdrawal. I personally like to use it as a perfume. It is one of my favorites to diffuse and I often diffuse it with Lavender or something calming but often diffuse it all by itself.

It is great to use on your lymph nodes as an immune booster, which I know I’ve mentioned previously but it works wonderfully. I will mention that I did have a friend that was using it daily in addition to her Young Living deodorant and wasn’t diluting it daily and she ended up with some burns under her arms – so you do want to dilute if you are using this oil daily…on sensitive skin especially.

Young Living mentions a few other uses: It has a citrus aroma that is energizing and uplifting. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it is nourishing to the skin. Like many coldpressed citrus oils, it is a popular oil to use in conjunction with weight management programs. Grapefruit may also be used to enhance the flavor of food and water.

This oil is great for jet lag, pre-menstrual tension, gallstones, stress and the cardiovascular system, oooh and water retention. Grapefruit oil is anti-tumoral, an antiseptic, detoxifying, and all around yummy!

Some good oils to blend with Grapefruit are basil, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, cypress, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, rosewood and ylang ylang.

Kids love Grapefruit oil and it is very safe to use with them. I use this book as a reference guide for using oils with my kiddos and it mentions Grapefruit oil often!

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So, I’ll be brief today please as always let me know if you want to order anything – my order processes on the 7th at midnight.

And we’re meeting TONIGHT at my house if you are interested in discussing business building – you can build an oil business with very little work and we will share some tips and set some goals tonight. If you’d like a summary of the info sent to you please let me know!

Happy June, Be Well!