Halloween Monster Face Sandwiches

Big Tongue

Watch out this monster might get you. Or maybe this one.


I should have saved this post for the Day of the Dead. The rest of these monster mash lunches are filled with all kinds of goodness. Look at that little monster in the background below.

One of my Monsters

Now for the goods =>

Skeleton Lunch

Tiny apple from our apple tree, skeleton peanut butter and jelly with a raisin mouth and black olive eyes, ham, string cheese and red pepper rolls, pistachios (which we agreed looked like tiny little mouths before they are shelled), cherry tomatoes from our garden, homemade applesauce from zee backyard, and a lemon daisy cookie make up one of the monster lunches.

And the other.

Monster Face Lunch

The difference is slim. The monster loves pickles and tolerates cheese (even atop a peanut butter and jelly). Did you notice the carrot hair? Yogurt covered raisins for a sweet treat, well and a daisy cookie just like big brother. Oh and beneath the homemade applesauce is a bit of pasta salad with a bit of everything leftover. Happy Spooky School Lunch!



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