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Back to School

Wee. I love me some rainbow lunch! This rainbow is made up of a fresh backyard hen egg, avocado and ham sandwich …

Sushi & a Ham Wrap

Sushi rolls might be one of the most pleasing things to put in lunches. They are real eye candy. My biggest kiddo …

Ham Bun for Back to School

Ham Bun, fresh strawberries, chocolate rainbow drops, 1/2 brownie, soy yogurt, diced apples and the best filler ever – goldfish crackers and …

Sunshine Lunch

Our hens contributed to this lunch – scrambled egg and ham sandwich (we don’t have a pig), yum! Fresh strawberries cut to …

Kiwi, Berries, Egg Critter and More

Bagel Sandwich with Ham, Tofutti Cream Cheese, and Lettuce Organic Kiwi surrounded by fresh blueberries Hard-Boiled Backyard Hen Egg (squished in my …

Ham & Pickle Rolls and more

Aw yeah nothin’ like some rolled ham in your lunch – with a little dill pickle and Tofutti cream cheese in the …

300 Lunches!

Today I celebrate the posting of my 300th lunch. I think I need to have a party of some sort. Dedication, I …

Halloween Lunch

I wanted today’s lunch to be extra spectacular but the boys really wanted a special breakfast so we made pumpkin shaped pancakes …