Lemon Oil Testimonial

So, I have a pretty amazing story to share. My good friend Juli called to share a story about her grandmother-in-law. She is 98 years old and as of late her health was really beginning to fail. She wasn’t able to keep anything down and hadn’t actually really eaten in about two weeks. She currently has hospice care and they believed her liver/kidneys were probably failing due to some medication poisoning. The hospice nurse had some essential oil experience so my friend Juli and her mother-in-law mentioned they had some oils. The nurse thought that she needed some lemon juice, so they ended up using the Young Living Lemon Oil and just dropped some in her water glass. She really took to the lemon water and started craving it. She wouldn’t drink water that didn’t have lemon oil in it. Her system was still failing but she kept asking for more lemon water and they simultaneously ended up removing her from all medications. After a couple of days of cleansing with lemon oil she asked for some pear juice. And, remarkably, by that evening she was drinking a beer. She had a couple glasses of milk and then the next morning two eggs.
The hospice nurse fully believes the lemon oil cleansed her system, maybe she had a virus in her stomach? Maybe she just needed a cleanse? Whatever it was, after drinking lemon oil for a couple of days she was healed enough to want to feed her body again.
Keep the stories coming!

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