Oils for Gardening


Honestly, until today, using oils in my (non-existent) garden hadn’t even crossed my mind. This year is the year we plant ourselves a vegetable garden. I finally feel like I’ve got the time to tend to it, and my kids are old enough that they can help and reap what they sow. Since we live in Montana it isn’t quite prime time for planting everything, so we’re taking things slow, in fact we were planning to use old railroad ties as a border, but have since changed our minds since we know they aren’t something we’d want in an organic garden. So, we’re waiting for the arrival of my brother-in-law in just a little over a week to help us build a raised bed. I’m so excited I can barely stand it though and I want it to be ready right now, even though we can’t plant seeds outside.

Anyway – I was browsing through a favorite aromatherapy book of mine and found a section on oils and gardening and got really curious.

[phpzon]””,””,””,””,0931432820[/phpzon] What I read made total sense! You can use your essential oils as a pest/insect repellent for certain plants and even enhance flavors of your vegetables by adding a bit of oil to your watering can. The one thing that I really want to try is adding some Basil oil to your watering can before you water your tomatoes. Of course you could always just plant basil around your tomatoes, but by simply adding some Basil essential oil to the soil via moisture you’ll get really tasty tomatoes. I’ll let you know if it actually works, but I cannot see why it wouldn’t.
I won’t get carried away with info – but I’ll share one natural insect repellent with you – Got Ants? use some Spearmint, Peppermint, Pennyroyal, Garlic, or Citronella!
I’ll put a new tip up each day all week on my facebook page, so if you aren’t a fan – better friend me!

Happy Earth Week/Month!
Happy Gardening!