Quorn Pizza, Baby Quiche and More
Sunshine streaming through the windows! Ahh! Those are the best mornings!
We’ve got two takes on today’s lunch and although they don’t vary much at all, I thought I would still post them both and then of course the photos of my gorgeous little boys (one looks a bit grumpy this morning – but I’m pretty sure he was just involved in a conversation).
Now for the lunch content: We had one bun left in the house so each kiddo got 1/2 and I just made some Quorn Patty Pizzas with black olive faces. Simon likes ketchup and Gus doesn’t. The mini quiches were for breakfast and lunch. Fig cookies, apple bits, applesauce and edamame fill the PlanetBox today. Don’t forget to take your vitamins. Happy Hump Day!
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