RC = Respiratory Care

I’m attempting to get back in the swing of things, it’s tough. I’ve decided to talk about RC this month and then make the bottom half of this email about upcoming events and parties. I also want this to serve as your reminder to update your autoship orders – all of you Essential Reward participants!

Okay now for the good stuff – R.C. is an oil blend that we LOVE at our house. It was one of the very first three oils I ever got and I never want to be without. It stands for Respiratory Care, and boy is it ever. It has a sister oil called Raven that is also really a wonderful oil in fighting respiratory infection.
RC is great for allergies, colds, bronchitis, respiratory congestion, flu, pneumonia, sinusitis, sore throat, and mucus.
It was an oil that I decided to get right off the bat because Simon got these horrible coughs – he had croup as a baby and it seemed after that there was no way of keeping him from getting that barky cough each time he got a cold. Well turns out there was a way – RC and Eucalyptus Radiata and Thieves always do it. We put these three oils on him all of the time when he’s coming down with a cold and avoid the seal cough completely sometimes (if we stay on top of oil applications). In fact we just had that experience over our holiday break. If you look on my blog you’ll see tons of references to RC. I put it on the chest and back where your lungs are. It does have a medicinal scent to it (smells like Vicks a bit). I’ve always heard to put Vicks on my the bottoms of my kiddos feet to draw out a cold but now I just use RC (no more Vicks at our house).
The reason for the medicinal smell will make sense after I list the oils in this blend – Eucalyptus (E. globulus), Myrtle (a decongestant), Pine (helps open respiratory system), Marjoram (relaxing), Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Citriodora, Lavender, Cypress (anti infectious), Tsuga, and Peppermint. Quite the blend.
I’ve had a history of some rough coughs as well so I use this for myself whenever I get a cold too. Especially if that cold turns to a cough. When I can’t stop coughing and am not getting any sleep I put RC in my hands and just breathe myself to sleep. I cup my face and just constantly breathe it until I finally get some relief. It is a wonderful oil to diffuse. I like to put it in the humidifyer as well. I also use it a lot for sinus issues – I put it right on my face where my sinuses are (just be mindful of your eyes and the potency of the oil) and it seems to really help clear my sinuses.
It is great to steam yourself with also. I put it in a sink full of hot water and cover my head with a towel and inhale the steam. It clears me right up.
My good friend Syd and I were researching at one point what might be good for cold sores and RC is – the list goes on!
I use this oil for my kids but like every oil you should definitely try it on yourself first and then dilution isn’t a bad idea if the potency worries you.
Oh and one last thing I love to combine RC with is the Breathe Again Roller! Ahh. I’m using these things like crazy today – this cold will not get me! I hope!
RC is $19.75 wholesale and $25.99 retail.
Breathe Again Roller $19.75 wholesale and $25.99 retail.

Oh and as always you can intensify your oils by pairing them with Copaiba!

Discussion Group Start-Up: When Julie was here for her last visit she suggested that we do some product reviews – so we were thinking that if you’d like to try some new things maybe you could volunteer to be the guinea pig for specific products (of your choice) and after trying them for the month you can report back to us in discussion group so we can share feedback with other oil users. It’d be nice to have feedback on products first hand and who better to try them then us! So we were thinking the date for the first discussion group of 2010 would be Thursday January 14th. We’d love to see you there if you can make it and if you wouldn’t mind RSVPing – so we have an approx. head count that would be great. If you have some products you’d like to call dibs on please also let me know – I’ll start a list. Also just to forewarn you I’ll be posting your review on my blog (if that’s okay with you). www.mamalovesoils.com P.S. Anna already called dibs on Juniper. And the group will meet at Walking Stick Toys/Nature Boy like usual.

Happy New Year!

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