Sandalwood in October
This handsome little devil is the reason for the oil selection this month. Dang he sure is a cute one! This is Simon’s very favorite oil. I just asked him if we should send Auntie Tole an oil for her birthday and he said “Yep, Sandalwood, and then get me another bottle.” He wanted to send her the open bottle that is practically empty, but of course get another fresh/full bottle for ourselves. How thoughtful?.
Sandalwood is a single oil but it is found in many of the Young Living Blends and it smells delicious! It has many healing properties in addition to its delicious aroma. It generally triggers memories for those that smell it, simply because it isn’t a new smell to most. Simon loves this oil at bedtime, it helps him to relax and drift off to sleep. It is a natural sedative. He usually gets a bit rubbed on his back when he lays down. It is an all around calming oil, so we use it often to soothe frayed emotions or help with sad times around our abode.
The first time I came across it was right when I started using oils because I was looking up oils that might be helpful in combating or avoiding bladder infections and bladder issues and this oil was first on the list. It stimulates the production of urine and causes muscles to contract, helping to flush excess liquids from the body.
This oil is very beneficial to your skin, it improves dry/cracked skin by drawing natural oils through the soft tissues to the surface, so it is found in many shampoos, body washes and skin care products. Sandalwood and Frankincense are both in my ART skincare system, that I’m loving by the way! Sandalwood is a natural antiseptic and preservative making it beneficial in soaps, creams, etc.
Since it is an antiseptic it also helps to fight infection.
It is also an antitumoral and antiviral oil and can be used as an immune stimulant. Use this oil on your cold sores, wrinkles, scars, and acne.
Sandalwood is a good digestive aid, eases nausea, gas and other digestive discomforts. It can be a great oil to use for colic.
Sandalwood is also considered an aphrodisiac and it is a good oil to use for stress relief. Some good pairings might be Lavender and/or Bergamot. I like it all by itself the most. It doesn’t really seem to need a pairing, but of course you can be the judge of that.
It is a wonderful oil to use while meditating or practicing yoga.
This oil is a bit on the spendy side, it is $91.78 retail for a 5 ml bottle, or $69.75 wholesale so if you aren’t signed up for wholesale and you want this oil, before you order might be a good time to do so. Or if you are an Essential Rewards participant maybe you’d like to use your points for this special bottle of oil?
So there you have it, and that certainly isn’t all of it, but it is a bit to get you started.
For those interested discussion group will be held on October 28th at Walking Stick Toys from 7-9.
This oil is found in the following Young Living Products (I thought I’d put it at the end for those interested): 3 Wise Men, Acceptance, ART Skincare line, Awaken, Boswellia Wrinkle Cream, Brain Power, Dream Catcher, Forgiveness, Gathering, Harmony, Highest Potential, Inner Child, Inspiration, Lady Sclareol, Magnify Your Purpose, Release, Transformation, Trauma Life and White Angelica.