Smoked Chicken, Lemon Spinach Pasta Salad & More
Papa smoked some more meat this weekend. There isn’t anything Gus likes quite like ‘meat on a bone’.
Notice our feathered friend lurking near the breakfast bowl of granola? He really likes to help himself to a bit of granola from the breakfast bowls in the morning.
Watch yourself…here I come!
Getting closer and closer. Just took a tiny step into some homemade applesauce, no biggie. The rest of the lunch…
A brownie and sour gummy bears for dessert (just how I like to start a meal). I love lemon pasta salad with a bit of spinach and red and yellow peppers. We’ve also got some delightful clementines, a locally made bakery cheese bun, some diced organic apples, that homemade applesauce that had a birdie foot in it and let us not forget about that smoked chicken. Mmmm Mmmmm
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