Smoked Turkey Thigh, Snow Peas and More

Smoked Turkey Thigh, Snow Peas and More

The afternoon following the consumption of this lunch I hear…”Mom, I don’t really like winter peas.” I get it – they aren’t as fresh – they aren’t as delicious as straight from the garden – and…they aren’t winter peas…they are snow peas…but I’ll probably call them winter peas from here on out.

Winter Peas, Applesauce and Corn

The rest of this scrumptious lunch tells some stories. I’ll start with the corn. A few of our favorite people on earth, the Ramirez Clan, all came over one summer eve and we roasted approximately 90 ears of corn and then stripped it off the cob and put it delicately into baggies and froze 12 bags each. It was a long arduous process but totally worth it on these cold days to savor the flavor of summer roasted corn. The rest of the stories aren’t quite as laborious. The smoked chicken thigh – is Papa’s new specialty. He’s been smoking something delightful every weekend for the past couple of months just warming up for Thanksgiving when he’ll smoke an entire turkey – we might be enjoying this of which I speak as you read. The squash with brown sugar is pretty much the only way I can get my kids to eat squash – whatever it takes. It is just an acorn squash I baked in our oven. The apples are self-explanatory and not from our backyard (those are long gone) – the bear keeps coming to check though. He visited at 4AM only two short days ago, he was right on our deck. The applesauce is homemade and from those apples that we grow and harvest in our backyard (sorry bear). Winter peas, a hard-boiled hen egg (from our backyard birds) and those chocolate dollops that I mostly love the color of complete today’s cold lunch. I realize school isn’t in session (I’m playing catch up).

Happy Thanksgivin’ Givin’!