The Great Glitter Dilemma

This glitter vortex keeps me up at night. Glitter has been under a lot of scrutiny lately. It isn’t good for our marine life. It isn’t good for our winged creatures. However, it is a very popular part of the beauty/cosmetic world right now. Sometimes the glitter I choose is too big for people, and sometimes it isn’t big enough. I get a lot of feedback, all of which I really appreciate, but since I’m a people pleaser, I stay up at night spinning this great glitter dilemma.

What exactly is the concern? Fish and birds, like humans, like shiny things, and they can’t digest micro-plastics. Some say it just sits in their tiny bird and fish guts giving them the sensation they are full, so they don’t get the nourishment they need. I am thinking about this, I promise. I don’t use much glitter, I don’t throw it willy nilly into a strong wind, but I DO see the big picture. The collective glitter on our planet is likely causing problems, just as so many things are.

I’ve made the switch to eco-glitter, but holy shit can you go down a rabbit hole with glitter, if it keeps you up at night. My glitter now comes from the UK, it is biodegradable, and really really expensive. So, we’ll probably be adjusting the price of our Glitter Pit Sticks accordingly.

I found myself on a website reading about glitter troubles and it led me to a Greenpeace video about plastics, a fake holiday Coke ad. It was pretty heart-wrenching.

I see all kinds of restaurants eliminating straws or getting bio-degradable/compostable straws. I think more and more people use reusable/refillable water bottles. These are important steps. Sometimes I forget my water bottle, or my kids do, and there isn’t a drinking fountain. Sometimes I get a drink at a restaurant or bar that already has a straw or two in it. It’s hard to do the right thing all of the time. How much of our garbage is even making it to the ocean, from the Rocky Mountains? The amount this city is able to recycle is pretty laughable. Our recycled plastics are transported elsewhere, and are we really sure where they end up? Where does one start to make a difference? I guess with bio-degradable glitter or no glitter.

I’ve attempted some eco-glitter options, of the homegrown variety, I’ll keep attempting. Below: Pit Sticks with small bits of flowers/petals. I plan to revisit this and turn the petals into more of a glitter dust.

I think my option for now is to responsibly use glitter, which I do. I promise. If you aren’t comfortable with bio-degradable glitter in your pits please try our glitter free pit stick. And, I welcome any/all feedback, but I ask you to please keep your comments thoughtful and choose your wording carefully.