Uke it Up! Catching Up!

Pretty excited to knock this out for Father’s Day for my very own Ukulele Guy. And, maybe I can even surprise him with a little ditty. You see he got me a uke a while back and I haven’t taken the time to learn to play it, or maybe I haven’t taken the time to have him teach me. I am the proud owner of the exact same ukulele pictured on Knitty’s Pattern though. I’m going to click on some of those links and learn those chords tonight. And then pull some yarn out of my stash and knit this up, and attempt to felt the first thing I’ve ever felted. I’m not anticipating it to look anything like the beautiful examples pictured with the pattern, but I’ll do my darnedest.

I’ve been away from this sweet blog for awhile, not on purpose, but vacation(s), kids, life, etc have pulled me away. I’ve been knitting though…that is one thing I’ve stuck to. I’m still plugging away working on my sweater, it now has one complete sleeve. The sleeve ended up being, not quite as perfect as I would have hoped for, luckily I still have another attempt with sleeve two. Then I will only have a hood to do, which sounds daunting, but I WILL GET THAT DAMN THING DONE! And I will save the photos until the end, mostly for your sake.

I’m also working on a baby blanket for someone special.

On the Plane

This is a tiny taste of it right up next to a pretty kickin’ Mad Lib my 6 year old created for our airplane entertainment enroute to Mexico. If you aren’t into the anatomy and bodily functions a 6 year old finds hilarious – maybe this Mad Lib isn’t for you.

And, I’m working on a hat for a special little birthday girl in my life, shhh don’t tell her.  I think I’ll use it to top a jar of pickles, her favorite food (at least at my house). Those are the next special things coming down the pipe.


Happy Almost Summer!

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