Valentine Cold School Lunches Take 3!

Valentine Lunch Train Made Your Lunch

Now for the grand finale! I like to start off with a lunch train from time to time….a Valentine Lunch Train.

My kiddos woke up this morning to some special little Valentines from us. Legos are at the tippy top of the list for both of them right now so while they ate their bacon, eggs and bagels for breakfast they also spent some time constructing some Lego giftys.

Made Your Lunch Legos

While Mama Made Your Lunch….


Made your lunch Ravioli

And while Mama Made Your Lunch…

Made Your Lunch Valentine

Peanut Butter and Homemade Plum Jelly on wheat bread for one Valentine, and Mushroom and Parm Ravioli for the other Valentine. That sauce on the ravioli is homegrown and made with all kinds of love in the fall, as is the plum jelly. The sweet and sour meatballs got used up today. One Valentine likes cherry tomatoes (so he got one) and the other Valentine likes those awful Mango covered Almonds (so he got two), the chocolate drops in the center were my attempt at a “heart shape” one of the kids realized that (thankfully). Red Valentine Goldfish crackers beneath some pink strawberry soy yogurt fill another section right on up. The tiny clementine and sliced organic Gala apple are the final touches to the lunch of love for today.

Made Your Lunch Train Caboose

Happy Valentine’s Day Lunch Lovers.