
The world has gone a wee bit mad, very little calm to be found. I think it is important to be prepared for things which is why I like to have candles in my house, a box of matches and a few extra batteries available.


I hoard weird shit in my car, thanks to my dad. My sister does too, she calls her Minivan “magical” because it has everything a person needs. I almost always pack a first aid kit and a knife. I try and have a stocked pantry, but realize that isn’t how everyone lives, or can live. I have dried beans in my pantry, but if the shit hits the fan, bottom line is, we are all going to need one another. Take for example, the tornadoes in Nashville (only 24 hours ago). That wretchedness came out of nowhere. You can’t possible prepare for your house to be ripped to shreds, if you even have a house. People need people.
I was in the Seattle airport a few days ago. I witnessed a little older white woman collecting every.single. hand sanitizer the tiny shop stocked. She walked, hunched over, holding a dozen of those small bottles of gel. She’s going to have semi-clean hands.
My husband and I had a glass of wine/beer while we waited for our plane to board, and stopped counting passersby wearing masks and gloves after 20 or so. Our local Ace Hardware had an entire end-cap dedicated to the endless mask options. My understanding is, those things are in homes now, “sold out”.
So, I made this crazy video, where I spill vodka (wearing a sweater (the vodka, not me)) and make weird faces in order to share a simple recipe for cleaning your hands. You should really just wash them though.

You can find a plethora of information on preparedness, how-tos, and all the stuff to be afraid of. None of this angst is good for your immune system.
Take a walk outside, call a friend you haven’t talked to in way too long, check on your Grandma, turn off your tv, radio, phone & computer (for a little while) and smell something yummy. Maybe one of these suggestions will bring a snippet of calm?

Maybe you just cannot bring yourself to turn off your tv or phone? If that is the case, you should check out my very favorite show, in the whole world (2 seasons of pure love). Joe Pera Talks With You. It has everything: beans, preparedness, neighborly love, grandmas, pancakes, meatballs, and warm apples.

And finally, if you’d like some immune boosting suggestions, or maybe you want to clean your house, I have plenty of videos and blog posts in the logs. Do some searchin’. I’m going to call my Grandma. xo

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