Dropped Stitch & Pretty Needle Holder

So when I was making August’s knitted roll hat, my first hat, I dropped a stitch and didn’t know what I would do. I was thinking I ought to just call it quits for the night and start again tomorrow, or possibly go into the yarn shop in town and see if they could help me. But, then I remembered that I could check on You Tube for some suggestions…so I did just that. The very first video that I went to did the trick, so I saved the link to share. It was so helpful that I think I’ve completely got it figured out now. So in hopes that I can reference this in the future and help some of you fellow knitters I wanted to share.

I also wanted to show off some kind of bad photos of something really sweet my sister made for me for Christmas. As a brand new knitter – I knew these ‘needle holders’ existed but I didn’t know what I wanted, so I asked her to make me one. She came up with this…

Needle Holder ClosedNeedle Holder Open

This treasure definitely serves its purpose, but if I could change a couple of things…I’d probably put some batting in the back and ‘how was a girl to know she’d soon have circular needles needing storage?’. Otherwise I don’t know what on earth I’d do without this gem. My sister that made this is this little sweetie. I’m sure she’d take orders and she’ll be revamping her pattern, she doesn’t knit so she needs some tips, and I didn’t have many to give at that point, but as my collection of needles, double pointed needles, crochet hooks, and circular needles grows I’ll be needing a companion holder.

Some other good knitting nooks I’ve been informed of since I started this fun endeavor are Ravelry, Knitting Help, and the Yarn Harlot. I’m sure there are so many more out there…and I’ll mention them as they come along. Ravelry is my fav, it is like Facebook for knitters and crocheters. I heart it!

Happy Knitting! Oh and don’t let dropping a stitch discourage you – you can forge through!