My First Knit Scarf

My First Knitted Scarf

This is the first project I attempted, or maybe it was the second – it was a couple of months ago so I’ll just post a photo of the other one tomorrow. I decided to start with a simple garter stitch so this whole thing is knitted – definitely not perfect but hey for a first time what can you expect. I used a chunky yarn – a wool blend and put it together with a variegated yarn for a prettier effect. So my sweet husband ended up getting this for Christmas – simply because I knew he wouldn’t be too critical of my handiwork (or lack there of). So it’ll keep his neck toasty warm through the winter months.

My biggest suggestion to anyone that wants to knit is patience and to get big needles (I think I used size 15 needles for this project) and chunky yarn after you have your knit and purl mastered and whip something out in just a few hours – it is really pleasing to finish a project! It’ll give you the bug to keep knitting (apparently non-stop!)

Happy Knitting!

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