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Lunch Ideas

Sourdough It

Let’s feed the starter. What exactly is this fermented craze? I think a lot of people are feeding the sourdough these days. …


The tomato-nosed bagel deer. Seriously…nuff said. I love that guy and his chocolate chip eyes and pretzel antlers.

My New Favorite!

This is our second LOVE lunch of the week. I neglected to mention that school was canceled on Monday because the building’s …

A week of Love

  I try to fill lunchboxes with extra love around this time of the year. Obviously, that is all I fill them …

The Magic

The magic is really all for these two humans. Aren’t they handsome? I always love it when I wake up in the …

Mamalode Publication

I keep meaning to share this here. I have a friend, and she started an amazing publication (both in print and online) …

My Word

I’m terrible at updates. But, I’m keeping my word. If you follow on Instagram you’re seeing a lot more than most folks. …

Sexy Carrots

Gus grew his own carrots this year. And some peas. In our family garden we’ve got tomatoes coming out of our ears. …

4th Grade and 1st Grade

4th grade sounds so old! I’m not exactly sure how that happened. Where did the time go? When did Simon get so …

Summer Camp Lunches

Just getting you up to speed. I failed miserably at posting lunches daily, until the day school starts, man summer is busy. …