Bunny Seed Face
Look at that delightful lunch. That hard-boiled backyard hen egg is molded in my fancy hard-boiled egg mold, details are filled in …
Look at that delightful lunch. That hard-boiled backyard hen egg is molded in my fancy hard-boiled egg mold, details are filled in …
Ham Bun, fresh strawberries, chocolate rainbow drops, 1/2 brownie, soy yogurt, diced apples and the best filler ever – goldfish crackers and …
I want to eat this rainbow right now. Blueberries, clementine, kiwi, strawberries, Quorn Nuggets, vitamins, lemon soy yogurt and apples – it …
Kiwi, soy strawberry yogurt, pesto pasta, pb&j sans crust, vitamins, diced apples and yum. And the other doesn’t mind the crust.
for back to school. Lunches will soon be in full force around these parts. We will still have all kinds of delicious …
Look at that little mitt, it certainly isn’t lunch time yet. Sans the mitt – we have – strawberries, hot dog bun …
I love the way this lunch looks, so pretty. I will also always love the elephant butt bread that comes out of …
Kiwi, strawberries and apples make a lunch so pretty. That rainbow of flavors is real eye candy. The ham and lettuce sandwich …
The heat of summer is finally upon us. We’ve been running and biking and getting nice and sweaty but an oil that …
I’ve been meaning to post this lunch for over a month now…and about a billion more…someday I’ll catch up. Most likely it …